Saturday, November 14, 2009

best compliment I've had in a while

As said in another blog entry, I'm doing a piece from the musical Last 5 years.

Well thanks to Dr. Susan Olson, my singing technique has improved so much in the last two months. It was kind of gruesome because I was dealing with a lot of tongue and jaw tension.

I would get so frustrated in my lessons that I wanted to destroy everything in her office! (I didn't though jajaja)

I would get frustrated because I couldn't get myself to be free and relax nor get the sound that I wanted.

But with everything I do, the more times I do it, the day comes when I realize I am singing freely and I hear what I want to come out of me. It could be due to the fact that she's been assigning me music that is very complimentary to my voice, but most of all I think it's the tips she's been giving me of singing more forward, slightly through the nose, and rounded out slightly with the mouth. We've been working on my air distribution as well and it's helped me so much to achieve longer phrases without feeling breathless!

This brings me to the reason for my post:
My accompanist, Karl, and I had our weekly meets and he noticed how much more relaxed my tongue was as well as myself. When we were going over "Still Hurting" he stated how happy he was that I finally got the rhythm down and how nice it was sounding. But what he said that got me was "Wow, your voice is so good for this song. You really need to try out for RENT next semester, I'D TOTALLY CAST YOU."


Even though I hate RENT I'm still going to try out for experience. Karl is going to be the music director of it because he works for some theater.

But the point is that he gave me the nicest compliment I've had in a while!!!!! :D


  1. do it lora do it get me front row tickets so i can see you perform.

  2. you think you're VIP or high class societ?! pfft
