Sunday, April 25, 2010


So these past two weeks have been interesting,

last weekend has a spur of the moment kind of deal when Vero got a call from Ricardo and told us that Juilieta Venegas was playing at Club Rio.... GRATIS ! ! So we had to go duhhh! And if that name doesn't ring a bell then maybe this will stir the memory

yah, she's pretty magnificent. SO we get dolled up and were then going to head to Shawn's place then oh wait... Ricardo calls and is like "ohhh well you see the concert is for free but the tickets that can be printed from the net are already gone. *ayyyyeeee* So we get at a crossroads and wonder if it's worth getting over there and trying to get in by chance. We did go. We get there at 7:45 and I'm like "oh damn I thought there would be more people because this starts at 8". NO. The doors open at 9. *ughghghhgh* We got there and wait and then this huge line forms behind us so it's great how fate works. Also it had been raining all day and then it stops for that night! Awesome! And we're waiting then we start talking to this sweet old couple behind us (Michael and Analucia) and they say how they don't have tickets either and how Michael has seen QUEEN live before *drool* and how he'd start a riot if they don't let us in. Then the people in front of us gives him an extra copy of their ticket and he's like "I'm gonna make a copy for you two". Yah! Another point from fate. Then Ricardo comes and he and Vero go and make a copy. WE think we are good to go now, then the girls working the doors say we have to be on the list! Shit, so when the line starts moving I get nervous cos I dunno if I could play it off cooly. But Ricardo does a good job. Then behind me I hear the bouncer saying no sorry we can't take this ID. He was talking about Vero's fake ID and then Analucia is like "I'm these girls mom, I'll look after them etc....". And I'm between this conflict, then the girl in front is like "Let me get my manager". He comes out looks at Vero and I and is like "Nah it's cool let them in". :) Free drinks, free shirt, free show. Good times.

After wards Vero treats me to a fish sandwich and I spend the night with Ben and get some stuff cleared up ;)

I had so many fucking exams this past week and apps to do! Ugh! I also learned a lot of gossip of this one guy who I had a thing for and man did it make him so unattractive :/

Note to self: Never wash hands with bleach again!

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