Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Today I bought about 3 meal/proteins to replace my meal for dinner and for my meals tomorrow. I did so because this weekend and then this trip I am currently on has been horrible for my diet!!! Not saying that I am on a "diet" but I do try to eat healthy! This weekend I ate horribly since I treat my myself after a long week and because I workout everyday :) I had Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut! So good! But it makes my stomach hurt and makes me gassy. I also had fried cheese sticks and french fries :/ Not so good for my belly. And now I'm on a trip and it's been nothing but fast food stops. Yesterday I bought a Java Chip Frap from Starbucks, chips and salsa from a Mexican restaurant, and some salad from Chic-fil-a. Today I have a muffin, some waffle, 3 crunchy tacos from Jack in the Box and that's when I decided to buy those bars to finish the trip with and stop all this junk. So for dinner I had a strawberry Special K protein meal bar and I thought that was gonna be it. Well after Jeff and I had fashion orgasms in Versace, Ralph Lauren and Louis Vuitton we parted ways and I joined some folks at the Kona Grill. They all had happy hour specials which consisted of BBQ chicken pizza, calamari, sake bombs and avocado egg rolls hahahaha and they offered me a bit of all of it! ugh! I can't resist free food!!!! ahem: 2 slices of pizza, some calamari, a shot of sake and half of one of those rolls! oh oh to top it off, when we all went back to the bus Jeff had shared his massive Chili's burger plus fries with me that he had got to go -___- and then there were cake balls going around!?! (which I didn't eat blugh)

lol anyways...so much for that prospective healthy end to my day jaja

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