Friday, October 16, 2009


hahahahahaha another chance though!

Stacey Davis

to me
show details Oct 15 (1 day ago)

Lora Lee,

I am pleased to inform you that you passed the rhythm sightreading and the major key sightsinging sections of the proficiency exam. However, you have still not passed the melodic dictation, minor key sightsinging, part-writing, harmonic analysis, and form sections. You will have another opportunity to take the exam in February 2010. Based on the results of the exam, I would recommend that you enroll in (or audit) Aural Skills and Basic Skills II next semester. This would help you practice the skills that will help you pass the exam. Please stop by my office if you would like to talk about your options in more detail.

You will not be permitted to enroll in most upper-level music classes until you have passed all sections of this proficiency exam.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to look over your exam.

Dr. Davis

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